Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Am I too damaged to fall in love?

You are damaged and you can fall in love and be happy with the right guy- but NOT RIGHT NOW! for whatever reason you do not have self esteem and dont value yourself enough. MENTALLY ( intellectually) you know the truth and you know that you should aspire for a better relationship with a better person- but REALISTICALLY and EMOTIONALLY you do not act up on what you know intellectually because emotionally you do NOT REALY BELEIVE that you realy deserve better --->> and until you will know it in your heart and emotionally and not only intellectually you will not make the move to leave him. YOU NEED to see a psychologist to re-aline your head with your heart and to work on your self esteem issues. Once you do that you will be free and you will free yourself from this person and eventually find the "right" person and not the "wrong" person but until than you will keep making the same mistake again and again with other men as well and always get attached to the "wrong" guys who will only use you and abuse you.. you need to delve into the reason of why you think that you are not worthy with a good therapist- he/she will help you a lot.

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