Sunday, August 7, 2011

My husband says he feels like my employee...?

Explain that unless you can afford to hire child care that you must rely on one another to perform the exhausting multi-services of parenting, the toughest job of all, no question. Alas, the culture often excuses men from getting their hands dirty to such an extent that the first child they hold is often their own. So work with it. Sit together and discuss the various tasks involved. Ask him if he has any experience with any of them. If not, ask how he'd like the division of labor to go. Compare it with your own. Try to be lighthearted. They won't be babies for very long. If this is all new to him, explain that the primary goal with babies is to keep them clean, amused and ready for a refreshing nap so that you can get some rest. Sleep when babies sleep. Establishing a routine gives all concerned a bit of sanity until babies sleep somewhat reliably thru the night. Explain too that having a baby is a crisis for all concerned. it's changed the way you do things forever. And this is a good thing, actually. Focus on the charisma of kids. If necessary, show him how to perform tasks he's unfamiliar with - show him by doing. When he's performing well, offer praise and encourage him to praise your own multi-tasking efforts. When you want to win people over, ask them for things they can do or give. Most important: Be as patient and caring a teacher as you would want him to be if you needed him to teach you, say, automechanics in a hurry. Parenting is not as intuitive for some as others although experience most often makes for improvement. Remember, too, that people who are sleep-deprived are not always thinking as clearly as they might, so forgive yourselves and one another for not being perfect. It will come! Try to create a safe haven for one another that allows both of you to say without guilt or shame that parenting babies is quite often overwhelming. One final golden rule: If baby is crying and you've tried food, diaper change and cuddles, put baby back in bed and put on the headphones for awhile. Wait until you're relaxed and able to smile before you try again.

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