Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Mother is in a medical down-spiral and refuses help and I'm stuck looking for answers, and opinions.?

I am going to provide minimal detail due to limit of characters. Over the past five years my mother has been on a downward spiral as far as medical care is concerned. She has been In and Out of the hospital and In rehab 4 or 5 times. She gets released from the hospital goes home and doesn't eat or care for herself she overdoses on pain killers. It gets to the point I have to call the ambulance and I look like the bad guy because she deteriorates. But she just doesn't care then she gets better and the same thing happens over and over. She is in the hospital now she cannot even WALK and they are trying to release her. She is mentally able to make decisions although she isn't making smart ones and the hospital refuses psychiatric evaluation. But if this happens because her only goal is to NOT go to rehab or the hospital and she is tough she says NO and means it the only reason I get her in is because she looks horrid and they have to take her. She refuses rehab if they send visiting nurses she locks the door. Two people live in her apartment building which she owns but live in her own apartment alone. They have lives and they spend al ot of time caring for her anyway even with there help and my multi weekly visits she just does things that amaze me why would anyone wanna be like this. My main problem is the hospital wants to send her home because theystabilizedd her theyrecommendd rehab but they can't make her if she says no. Everyone see's she needs help but there seems to be no loophole to get to that andthat'ss what I need some way to get her into rehab or something a loophole that can help us. I most likely rambledlled on but I'm all worked up thanks you any responses.

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